Nick Hobbs


Nick Hobbs is the owner of Charmenko, Charmworks & Charm Music (Poland, Czechia, Serbia, Croatia & Turkey) - an international team of around 25 people.

He’s been a promoter, talent buyer and artist agent specializing in Eastern Europe & the Middle East since the early eighties. His first job in the music business was as a roadie for Captain Beefheart, something he wasn’t any good at. Then he became an agent, a manager, a talent-buyer, an agent again, a manager again, and around the early nineties started to specialize in Eastern Europe. In 2003 he moved to Istanbul, let go of management, and focused on building a talent-buying and promoting network covering Eastern Europe and the Balkans. There have been many milestones and pitfalls on the way. 

Aside from his professional work in the music business, he’s an artist in his own right - writing, directing and performing in music, theatre and dance. He gives voice, dance, theatre and yoga classes and workshops, and music-related lectures. He’s a green activist.


Milena Fessmann


Paulina Marquez